There are so many things I wish to write. But, writing takes digging. And digging takes time. And I am lacking that very thing. like most people I suppose, wondering how to fit it all in (one day). To be fully present with my rapidly growing daughter and to fill each day with love and joy and adventure. And manage to eat healthy, work out, keep up with laundry, pursue my husband and friends, keep up with my reading for my doula certification, manage my craft, sewing, and photography projects, and not to mention the various ministries and volunteer activities that are important to us.
So when I decide that during nap times (on a good day sparrow takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap) I will exercise during one and write during the other, my mind goes blank. All the things I want to write, like sparrow’s birth story, my breastfeeding experience, the pursuit of my doula certification, our summer plans, and letters to my loved ones. I can’t find the words. All that is looming is my big ol’ to-do list. So I guess I will start with that.
Here we go:
We are leaving for Africa on June 14th. And we are moving out of our town home on June 13th (another thing I want to write about – on one hand I am excited that when we come back we will be moving into a new place, but on the other I am quite emotional about it). So I have a lot of packing to do and a lot of purging. Our home is an absolute wreck with boxes everywhere, some already packed and labeled and some half-way there. And then the piles of stuff, piles to keep, piles to throw away, and piles to donate. To be honest, it feels really good to be making our load lighter. I get in really crazy moods and just want to get rid of everything.
Figure out what to pack for Africa. And google traveling tips for flying overseas with a baby.
Start moving are belongings into storage.
Clean out my fridge. And pantry. And spice cabinets. Go through my recipe books and keep only my absolute favorites.
Pack up my winter wardrobe, papa birds, and baby birds. And papa bird has requested that I go through my shoes. Oh boy.
Schedule sparrow’s 9 month doctor appointment.
After our trip to Africa, we are going to Colorado for the month of July. My heart is so excited for our family adventures this summer. My in-laws are coming the first week of June to see us off to Africa and offered to drive our car back to Colorado, so I need to decide what to pack in our car. Like our tent and sparrow’s baby tent. Hiking boots. Bathing suits. Traveling high chair. I really have no idea beyond that. Deodorant.
Grocery shop and order our co-op basket.