April 17, 2015

wild + free

a few weeks ago, I met up with a homeschooling group - wild + free. and it's not exactly what you are probably assuming, even though if you know me - me and my little ones are pretty, wild + free. but, it's a group of women that love Jesus and all have chosen to homeschool their children in some way. some lean towards classical conversations, charlotte mason, or even unschooling. and although none of us were completely alike, or our children completely alike - even curriculum choices and day to day schedules varied - it was so encouraging to meet everyone, and I felt like I walked away with a few new friends and kindred spirits.
                          (a sweet stranger snapped this photo for us. here with brandi + jillian)
I am just beginning my journey to home educate my little ones, and we definitely aren't starting any rigorous curriculum, as sparrow is only three. but, I've been praying and seeking to connect with other mama's who want to incorporate nature as much as possible in their children's education. and one thing I do know, we all need community. as mothers, homeschoolers, even if you choose not to homeschool - you need a tribe of women who can lift you up and encourage you to keep on going. and I am excited to see mine slowly develop, as new seasons of motherhood are approaching.
(we enjoyed a hike along the creek + a picnic lunch at the nature preserve in plano)
something that is also really neat is they have release monthly bundles that include activities, a devotional, personal stories from other mama's who are on the homeschool journey, and even nature journals! the prairie bundle is a free one, if you are curious and just want to check things out!


April 13, 2015

Easter Weekend!

 on Friday, good Friday, two dear friends got married - and honestly it totally slipped my mind, (in the midst of planning and preparing for out of town guests), that we had a wedding to attend. it was a beautiful setting, so calm and peaceful. full of familiar faces, eating wonderful food (and desserts), and dancing the night away.
it happens every year, as much as I try to plan ahead, holidays just seem to sneak up on me. and as much as I want to just be present, and really soak in the depths of what we are celebrating, I often find myself just running around filling in the gaps of last minute details. and every year I tell myself, s l o w  d o w n... it will be over in a whirlwind. and you don't want to miss it.

^^dyeing easter eggs with the littles^^
  ^^the most delicious appetizer ever! got the recipe from my friend Shannon at a recent get together we had^^
                                              ^^ sparrow picking out all of the blue pancakes!^^
                       ^^festive easter pancakes! we started this tradition a few years ago!^^
^^nothing better than a sunday afternoon nap^^
that is always my prayer, I whisper, please don't let me miss it. miss you. in the midst of striving for a perfect meal, dishes, flowers, I want the table to be beautiful. I want the food to be delicious. everyone to feel warm and at home, my heart behind it is - I want this to be memorable.by me when I am old and gray - and something my children can look back on. the reason we celebrate, is because we want to remember the One. in the midst of breaking bread, and gathering around the table, and little giggles, and the messy hands that are helping prepare the meal, I want to remember it. I want to remember why I do this, why I am able to do this. because a man, gave his all for me. that I might have eternal life. he conquered death. so more than anything I am tugging at my heart, and my children's heart - to look beyond what is seen, look beyond the table, the meal, the silly eggs, and to teach them to celebrate a life resurrected. ours. his.

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