oh man, i get so giddy over bikes. it's been a long long time since i have owned a bike. the last one i had, a free spirit, got stolen by my landlord. (long story there). riding a bike has easily got to be one of my top favorite things to do. i love how the wind feels on my face and how it blows my hair, and it's what i would imagine flying would feel like, especially when going down hill. when i lived in denton, i rode my bike everywhere. work.school.coffeeshop.concerts.library.park.friendshouses.lakerayroberts. i didn't drive a car anywhere, and didn't even own a car until my junior year of college (and that was because i got an internship at an art gallery in dallas, and riding my bike there was not.going.to.happen.)

kona creates some of favorite bikes, i especially love this one the kona ute. it can carry anything, picnic baskets, art supplies, camera equipment, grocery bags, guitar & amp (if i wanted), even a small human. gotta love utility! so here is another bike to add to my list of wants. it seems that list is growing longer and longer. oopsie.
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