September 17, 2010

which side are you on?

it's late or early, however you look at it. and i am all farty, my hubs thinks it's gross that i like the smell of my own farts, but hey, ya know, it's whatever. so i just finished taking this quiz online to see if you are 'right brained' or 'left brained', pretty interesting stuff. they summed me up with, holistic, random, concrete, intuitive, non-verbal (i like illustrations), and fantasy-oriented.

i scored 17 right and 2 left. hubs, who is apparently a very balanced person, scored 10 right and 9 left.

 check it out, ya know, only if you want to

are you a righty or lefty?


  1. 4 right and 15 left, no surprise there to me that i am a left-brained lady. so interesting that it went in depth about learning styles and what not.

    that little ensemble you are wearing is very flattering on you. where did you get it?

  2. Oh man, thanks! I actually got it at a thrift store for like 2 bucks!

  3. I took it! 12 right and 7 left. Very interesting! Congrats to yall, too, on your anniversary! :]

  4. oh my gosh i have never heard of this before! So cool! 5 right and 14 left, so that makes me, linear, sequential, symbolic, logical, verbal, and reality-based. I want to study this more. thanks for sharing.

    and you and your husband? if so, you both are very adorable.

  5. Anonymous9/19/2010

    I love your outfit!

  6. oohh how interesting! im going to try it!
    ps you look really cute with that ol thrift store deliciousness and your beautiful self!
    ok i want to see you soon! love!

  7. I scored 10 right and 9 left. Good test! :)


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