March 3, 2012

the art of letting go

as i see the date of my last post, all i can whisper is grace, and gently remind myself that i have been living.

three months have come and gone so quickly, that i wouldn't even know where to begin in telling the story of those days. they are beautiful layers of love, strength, grace, and beauty. of nurturing a soul. days and nights spent with my family.

late night talks with my husband. long, beautiful walks with my daughter. breakfast dates with girl friends. reconnecting with my best friend from high school and meeting her daughter for the first time. zumba with my mom (and sharing a meal at our favorite cafe). meditating over coffee. trying new dates with the cutest babies. serving in our community. meeting neighbors. listening to stories. discovering new music that sparrow loves. digging deep. watching my baby grow daily.researching the perfect co-op. laughing, clapping, and dancing. working on my garden.praying in hotel parking lots, for women who are in sexual bondage. discovering my passion for writing again. staying out way too late. ignoring chores.

experiencing God's goodness. fullness. His unfailing love.

there is so much life for us, if we just open ourselves up and learn to let go. that is something i am learning, the art of letting go. to release all of the expectations that i place upon my shoulders. a weight that i was never meant to carry. to allow my whole being, my whole heart to simply be. that is something, that i am not always good at. but, i want to be.


  1. That's beautiful, and I could hear your voice as I read it! Thanks for your words! I know I'm at a new point of needing to let go.

  2. How absolutely awesome! No need to pressure yourself on keeping the blog up to date... we enjoy reading your posts regardless! You are in a new chapter of life and it is fast paced. You are enjoying life! And I think that is wonderful!! So happy to hear that you, Chris and Sparrow are doing great.

  3. I really think all mothers have certain expectations society throws at us. It's a lesson we all must learn, this "letting go". A lesson One learns in time, if we just listen to our hearts and souls. I'm so happy to know you my sweet Meghan.


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