November 30, 2015

a bit of our thanksgiving

I didn't get too many photos from thanksgiving this year. my sister and niece came into town and we celebrated thanksgiving with some family friends. so much good food and company - turkey, ham, all the yummy sides, and pies! I just love thanksgiving! I really try and be thankful and practice contentment everyday, but I love a whole day to remind myself of all the goodness in my life. for all the people in my life. my little ones, my husband + partner in this life, our families, and all the friends who love us so well. the older I get, the more thankful I am for the very simple things. the things money can never buy or replace. the intangible goodies that the father gives.
during the month of November, we have a thankful tree at the center of the table. and over dinner we each share something we are thankful for and write in on leaves + hang them on the tree. it can be anything, there are no rules to being thankful. this tradition started a few years ago and honestly is something we have kept up most evenings throughout the year - either at dinnertime or bedtime. but during November I like to be super intentional about having the tree and being able to visually see everything that causes us to give thanks. coffee. babies. warm beds. pie. community. all kinds of things make the list. and sparrow's are some of my favorite. through the eyes of little ones, if we are slow enough to listen and watch - we will see so much truth. to be like my children is my prayer. wherever and whoever you were with, I hope you had a lovely thanksgiving.

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