July 14, 2010

Indian Bazaar

This past Saturday we through a dinner party, an Indian Bazaar. Chris made homemade Naan, that was warm and delicious, well worth the three and half hours prep time. He also, made his famous Chai Tea from scratch, which is always a favorite in our family. I made artichoke hummus, palak paneer with lentils, massaman curry with chicken, and aloo gobi - basically broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and various other vegtables that are prepared Indian style.

We love having friends and family in our home, sharing dinner together, laughing, dancing to my favorite collections of bollywood music, being encouraged by where our friends are at in life - knowing that they are pursuing their passions, hearing what they are excited about and humbled that we get to have a small part in that, watching my friends fall in love with my kittens, knowing in my heart that they are supportive of me and chris and are hopeful for our time in India, and praying together, praying for us, and praying for our trip.

My heart is so humbled and encouraged by all the people that are in my life, the people that I call my friends, but are more like family to me. Thank you for being loving, being kind, and giving of your time, energy, money and film and being a beautiful support system that I can lean on.



  1. We had a great time! The food and company were wonderful!! Enjoy India!

  2. I did too !! it was really really good foods, i had to sit when i talked to people i ate too much! i love you! it was amazing!

  3. That sounds like a perfect evening.


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