November 9, 2015

morning smoothies

we pretty much enjoy smoothies all year round, their a healthy + fast way for me to feed my wilds. not to mention they give me the ability to sneak all the green things in. my children basically wake up hungry. and remain so all day. breakfast. second breakfast. snacks and snacks. lunch. snacks and snacks. dinner. snacks. and right after we've said good night prayers after reading several books...we usually hear from sparrow, 'but, mama I am hungry...' {so we toss a few carrots her way} anyone else feel this way, like their littles are hungry all of the time? the amount of food my girls can consume is amazing.
but, anyhoo - smoothies have a tendency to make them feel fuller longer, plus their fun to make together, leave hardly any mess to clean up, and on mornings when we need to get out the door in a hurry - they can 'eat' their breakfast or snack {by the time we are actually leaving} on the go.
here is one of our favorite smoothie recipes {makes 2 servings}:
2c coconut water
1/2c aloe vera juice
1/2 avocado
1 banana {sliced + frozen}
1c kale {or spinach}
1 scoop of protein {totally optional, I use this kind, it's raw + vegan}
1/2 hemp seeds
blend all ingredients together on high for a couple of minutes.
 {pretty much how every meal ends around here}
those might sound like all exotic ingredients, but they are all easily located at the cupboard or natural grocers - or if your lucky to live near a sprouts or central market. we tend to keep flaxseed, hempseed, ect...all on hand - it's an easy way to add extra nutrients to any recipe. and I just love coconut water, we always have a bunch, it's my favorite way to rehydrate after a run or workout, I personally love the zico brand, but there are tons others if you haven't found a favorite yet. and aloe vera juice has so many amazing benefits, from regulating your blood sugar, aids in digestion, helps with stomachaches and heartburn, and even strengthens your immune system, which we could all use as cold/flu season approach. green smoothies aren't world changing, and you've probably created your own, but this is our go-to around here for health and doesn't make the littles spit it out!


  1. Anonymous11/09/2015

    Mmmm..sounds yummy. You are such a great mom!


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